About us
The relationship between God and his people is called a "covenant" relationship. The theme "I will be your God and you will be my people" is repeated throughout the Old Testament. At the Last Supper, Jesus instituted a new and final covenant when he declared, "this is my blood of the covenant."
A covenant is an agreement between God and those who have a relationship with him. In the covenant relationship there are responsibilities for both parties. God gives love, provision, protection, forgiveness, etc. In return, his people agree to love, trust , and obey him.
The local church covenant for Seventh Day Baptists articulates the responsibility of all themembers of the local church. The covenant is a solemn agreement before God and before the people of God. Signing the covenant means that a person agrees to obey God and be responsible to and for other people in the local church.
Though Seventh Day Baptists have no binding creed as a denomination, this does not mean that you can believe anything you want and be a Seventh Day Baptist. To be a Seventh Day Baptist, one must join a local Seventh Day Baptist church. Each local church has developed a covenant statement. To join a Seventh Day Baptist church means that you agree to that covenant. The glue that holds a Seventh Day Baptist church together is our love for God and for each other, and following the responsibilities articulated in our local church covenant.
Most local Seventh Day Baptist churches have their own statement of beliefs. These statements sometimes reiterate our denominational statement. While some local churches use their statements of belief as a criterion for membership, others use them to teach current members and potential new members.
Though our Statement of Belief is not a binding creed, it is a declaration of what Seventh Day Baptists hold in common. These statements are a part of who we are as a people.
our pastor:

Jamaal Fyffe
There are countless individuals in scripture that we read about who have lived lives that involved a momentous shift of drastic measures, once they encountered God or came face to face with Jesus Christ. From that point on their lives were never the same. I must say, that with myself, it has been no less different.
Once upon a time, this life story of mine was full of sin, shame, and disappointment, I was probably the one young person that most people had written off. After the loss of my dear mother, the Lord showed me that He was not only my heavenly Father, but that He could also provide the loving care of a mother. He also transformed my life, from the inside out. I am not ashamed of my story and the fact that He has called me into ministry, because the truth is God is in the business of changing lives, and for those of us who were written off at one point, and have been broken, God is amazing at rebuilding lives and putting the broken pieces back together again.
Therefore for every loss that I have experienced, I have gained strength and perseverance through it. I am living proof that God has the power to change any life!
Pastor Jamaal Fyffe